Other Spirits: Aperol

Aperol Spritz


Aperol Spritz Ingredients

2 oz. Aperol

3 oz. Sparkling wine



Orange slice

Aperol Spritz Preparation

In a wine glass, layer Aperol, sparkling wine, ice, then soda. Mix ingredients well with a spoon. Garnish with an orange slice.

Aperol Spritz Story

While one sip of an Aperol Spritz might instantly transport you to a sunny afternoon in an old Italian cafe, close your eyes and put yourself even deeper in the past, circa 1800’s Venice. The Habsburgs, who happened to be holding imperial residency over the region, found the best way to transform the local wines to their tastes was to “spritz” them with water. As the drink was meant to be a refreshment for men who were more used to beer than wine, the invention of carbonated water made the format even more appealing and adaptable. Spritzing low-proof Italian aperitifs with soda water became a popular drinking habit of Austrian women, and naturally, the trend found its way right back to Italy. Spritzes varied from town to town depending on the regionally produced amaro. Aperol, produced near Venice since 1919, naturally lends itself to the spritz format. Its low alcohol content and notes of bright, bitter citrus made it one of the more popular aperitifs in the post-war period.